Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January Socks Finished and WIPs

WIP (Works in Progress)

Liam's Birthday socks. He turns 4 the first of February!

I finished a pair of socks for my daughter for her birthday (which is Saturday), using the gogeous Tofutsie that I got for finishing socks in October. I had never used the yarn before, and it made beautiful socks. I have enough left over to make a pair for my 2 year old grand daughter, who adores her aunt. They will love having matching socks.
I am knitting socks for Soldiers. It's an online group who knits socks to send to soldiers serving overseas. This is my 7th pair I have knit for them. I am trying two socks on one long Addi Turbo needle. I have no idea what I am doing, but it is slowly coming along. Mens socks with 12 inch cuffs take forever to finish, even when someone else does the cuffs on their machine. We can always use new members. For more information, go to sockforsoliders@yahoogroups.comIt's been a productive month!

1 comment:

Fran aka Redondowriter said...

I cannot knit, Anne, but I certainly admire those that can. Beautiful socks for Liam and Socks for Soldiers sounds like a worthy project. My Friends of the Library group is doing Books for Troops.