Sunday, October 21, 2007

Drooling Grandma Here!

I am going to try to add some images here, of my darling grandchildren. Of course, they are smart, funny and cute as can be.

There are three of them, Breanna, age 6, Liam, age 3, and Jordyn, age 2. Breanna and Liam live in the wetlands of Oregon and Jordyn fends for herself in Salt Lake City.

Let's see how the pictures go here.


Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Anne. I agree that your grandchildren are gorgeous and I understand fully why you are drooling. My two grandsons and their mom are coming over shortly to play.

I know you will master the Blogger template quickly and then you can vent--or write about your interests, and show us your knitting.

Connie Saunders said...

Your grandchildren are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.